If someone were to ask me what my talent is or what I do in my free time, I'd say writing. Now you might wonder what kind of writing it is that I do; if I'm being frank I honestly don't know.
On some days I feel like reporting and editing other people's essays. Then there are days when I take out my diary and start journaling. Most of the time I hate whatever I've scribbled down but I think that's common in every writer. We always feel and think that our writing is subpar, and never good enough. And this feeling is okay; it's quite normal.
I used to always be in awe of my friends who would write like magic about topics as simple as their favourite food or fondest memory. There used to be times when I stopped writing completely due to blocks in my head or whilst battling against my insecurities for the umpteenth time.
Even right now, a part of me is still scared and nervous about people reading my work or style of writing. But here I am, penning down something again for my classmate's blog because of some wise things that my English professor from UG said. "Write shamelessly," she'd always say and that is how I began. That is how my love for writing grew.
I can write and that is all I know. It is who I am. My source of income. Hence, no matter what happens I promised myself that for my peace of mind at least, I'd always write. Even if it's just journaling because like Prof. V used to say, "any form of writing is still writing."
About the author

Anna Mariam Ittyerah
Anna is a small bean with a big heart. She is all about the little things than the grand gestures. In her free time, she loves watching new films or shows, sleeping, listening to music, or baking. When she's upset or happy you can find her nose buried in her journal, penning down all sorts of thoughts. She hopes to do a solo trip around the world one day.
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