Our story
Any new hobby or passion needs nurturing. When you are first starting out, resources are abundant. As a beginner, you can navigate through our website and use it as a tool for your journey.
You can use the self-help articles to take stock of the different tools that will help you as a writer. Read interviews of people who have learnt from their experiences.
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nice to meet you
My journey with writing began as a cathartic experience. Soon, I found myself writing scripts for a podcast, and a radio drama while dabbling in poetry and critiquing books.
The start of this journey required learning. I would learn from any source I found: Webinars, extra courses in college and studying other writers. This website was born out of the need for aspiring writers to learn.
Pieces of paper with scribbles signed off with a date.
This best describes where my love for writing began.
I put together words in no rhyme or form,
I put together lessons from every nook and cranny.
I sat and noted down the works of Wordsworth and Plath.
I sat down to find streams of their thoughts.
I put together Woolf from her 'A room of one's own.'
I put together nuggets of knowledge from Instagram poets.
- pavithra prabhu